Sunday, March 18, 2018

good progress

Throughout the last two months a couple of things have been done. The white board video is in progress and I have added information to the website as well as informational videos that will help teach others what the true goal of our project is. I have done more research for the information for the video to find more key point to help others decide to help us. The more information we provide on the website the more we can put in our video and spread to others around the world. Not much has changed in terms of our project and there is not much that I plan to change going forwards. The schedule for each of our things is that I put 5-10 slides into the video each weekend and add at least one new thing to the website each week. At this rate the project will be finished by the end of May and I feel like that is a good timeline for us right now.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Changes made.

I decided to change the project goal to be an informational video about the dangers and the current impacts of the unused plastics and garbage that are scattered across the world. I have created a set to start it on and plan to use the stop motion app and iMovie to do the video. Each thing in the video will be made of recycled boxes, bottles, papers and anything else I can see as I formation in the video will contain several different facts about garbage in the ocean, in the gound and everywhere else. We will also include ways someone can help contribute to a certain charity or a clean up group. I plan to use this weekend to finish some parts of the website and the video so I can make progress before the midterms. The set for the video will be finished once I have the background set. Than I will only have to start shooting the first part of the video. Once that is finished I plan to use the other side of the box to make another set that takes place in the desert. Of course there will be informational texts that pop up in the video. Once it is finished it will be posted to the website along with the other written information.

Current image of the supplies I’m using: